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#+-| SET DELETE |--------------------------------------------------+##########
#| +------------+ The SET DELETE command controls the deleted flag |##########
#+--| Syntax |--------------------------------+###############################
#|     [!<Alias>] SET DELETE <ON || OFF >     |###############################
###########+---| Description |------------------------------------+###########
###########| The default status of the SET DELETE flag is OFF.    |###########
###########| ---------------------------------------------------- |###########
###########| ON                                                   |###########
###########|                                                      |###########
###########| This is logically identical to the command:          |###########
###########|                                                      |###########
###########|   SET FILTER TO .NOT. deleted()                      |###########
###########| ---------------------------------------------------- |###########
###########| Records that have an attribute of deleted will be    |###########
###########| ignored by the SKIP, GOTO TOP, GOTO BOTTOM commands. |###########
###########| ---------------------------------------------------- |###########
###########| OFF                                                  |###########
###########|                                                      |###########
###########| If the deleted flag is OFF, then all records with an |###########
###########| attribute of deleted will be seen by the SKIP,       |###########
###########| GOTO TOP and GOTO BOTTOM commands.                   |###########
#########+--| Example 1 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| LIST ALL fractures->arms    && Displays deleted          |#########
#########|                             &&  records.                 |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SET DELETE ON               && Deleted records           |#########
#########|                             &&  will not be              |#########
#########|                             &&  output.                  |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| LIST ALL fractures->arms    && Will not display          |#########
#########|                             &&  deleted records.         |#########
#########+--| Example 2 |-------------------------------------------+#########
#########| *    What percent of the database has been deleted?      |#########
#########|                                                          |#########
#########| SET DELETE ON                                            |#########
#########| COUNT TO total                                           |#########
#########| ? "Percent deletion: ", (total/ reccount())*100          |#########

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson